Social enterprises are businesses which exist to tackle social problems, improve communities, people’s life chances, or the environment. They generate revenue from selling goods and services in the open market, but they reinvest their profits back into the business, the local community or give a portion to charity.
For your nonprofit there is an opportunity to launch your own social enterprise where 100% of the profits funnel directly back to your organization. You have assets, resources, and contacts at your fingertips to be harnessed and leveraged to create a successful revenue stream.
Ways Social Enterprise Impacts Your Nonprofit
Provides another revenue stream.
Teaches those you work with entrepreneurship.
Creates jobs.
Introduce new people/donors to your nonprofit.
How We Help
Business Concepting
Product Development
Marketing Strategy
Website | Social Media
Branding | Packaging
Launch & Promotion
Is this a good fit for your nonprofit? Let’s find out. For a small investment, a feasibility study will allow us to meet with you and learn about your assets, environment, capabilities and target audiences, determining the best avenue for your social enterprise, giving you the confidence for a good decision. If you choose to move forward with us, costs of the study are applied to the project fees.